The Phoenix Frequencies
Phoenix rises: It isn't the ash that IS your life; it is the rising from the ash that makes life fertile.
In this podcast, I share how I relearned to live based on the present.
Frequently I give short episodes with food for thought.
Or I interview another phoenix who faced obstacles and moved beyond them. The real thing: because we get more from what and how we learn, than the pretended positivity.
As a HeartBraincoach and HeartAmbassador, I love to explore with curiosity the unexpected perspectives in redesigning your life as a phoenix.
If you want to know more about me:
Courage to move on from the past,
Trust to be with the present,
Rise to create a new future
I love questions from my audience that I can use as a topic.
The Phoenix Frequencies
Episode 39 Let's make Peace a Verb
Nienke is counting down the days until her trip to South Korea. Part of her trip will involve visiting the demilitarisation zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.
Peace is not the absence of war but an attitude toward peace. Peace seemed hijacked by happiness in the last century, but we need to elevate our Peace attitude further than that.
In Self-leadership, the practice of pause and feeling is a skill to develop.
To develop the courage to pause before responding. So we can respond with response-ability. Peace isn't just the SDG 16 of the UN. (Goal 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives, whatever their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation).
We can start with ourselves, without any money investment: with the peace attitude, learning to pause and listen to ourselves and other, neutral. Leaving the hunger for applause beside you. Starting to feel grateful for what you can, with compassion for what you can't yet and care for what is to come. Be an example. Make peace a verb.
You can join Nienke on the GCI app and learn more about the peaceful impact you can make at any time
Special thanks to Sheva Carr the Fyera Foundation, Dr Scilla Elworthy, Gert Olefs and Daeyoung Kim
We are all responsible for how we show up in the world, to others, ánd to ourselves. With Phoenix Frequencies, Nienke van Bezooijen shines her light on what we can do to be the best versions of ourselves based on how we show up and what we are willing to learn. It isn't about showing the way with pretended positivity, it is the heart-based vulnerability-sharing options. It takes courage to rise. See what is for you. Or share with others. Perfect doesn't exist; curiosity can be the stepping stone to broaden your perspectives.
Courage to move on from the past,
Trust to be with the present,
Rise to create a new future.
If you want to be interviewed as a phoenix, write to heartbraincoachnienke