The Phoenix Frequencies

Episode 33 Your are not your results: identity confusion

Nienke van Bezooijen Season 2 Episode 33
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00:00 | 09:40

How many certifications or diplomas degrees do you need to become who you are? How do you show up, and what do you think your identity is? 
Who are you? Who are you if life kicks in and all you thought you created as results don't count any longer? You are not your results of collected degrees but how you show up. 
Where are you compromising to make an ideal match for your family, parents, children, friends, colleagues, or boss? 
We have another choice. How? Nienks shares in this week's episode.

We are all responsible for how we show up in the world, to others, ánd to ourselves. With Phoenix Frequencies, Nienke van Bezooijen shines her light on what we can do to be the best versions of ourselves based on how we show up and what we are willing to learn. It isn't about showing the way with pretended positivity, it is the heart-based vulnerability-sharing options. It takes courage to rise. See what is for you. Or share with others. Perfect doesn't exist; curiosity can be the stepping stone to broaden your perspectives.

Courage to move on from the past,
Trust to be with the present,
Rise to create a new future.

If you want to be interviewed as a phoenix, write to heartbraincoachnienke

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