The Phoenix Frequencies
Phoenix rises: It isn't the ash that IS your life; it is the rising from the ash that makes life fertile.
In this podcast, I share how I relearned to live based on the present.
Frequently I give short episodes with food for thought.
Or I interview another phoenix who faced obstacles and moved beyond them. The real thing: because we get more from what and how we learn, than the pretended positivity.
As a HeartBraincoach and HeartAmbassador, I love to explore with curiosity the unexpected perspectives in redesigning your life as a phoenix.
If you want to know more about me: www.nienkevanbezooijen.com
Courage to move on from the past,
Trust to be with the present,
Rise to create a new future
I love questions from my audience that I can use as a topic.
heartbraincoachnienke @gmail.com
The Phoenix Frequencies
Episode 2 Sophie Tebbitt: The fire was a blessing in disguise
Sophie grew up believing that she was a bad girl and no one could possibly love her! She was very good at proving herself right and left a trail of moderate destruction behind her! Very luckily, she met and married Steve, who caused her to start questioning this belief and ignited a curiosity in her about what was out there. What was life really about? Why were we here? What was the way out of suffering apart from the obvious escapist strategies which she employed in the past? Her quest led her down many interesting paths. Her life was studded with grief and loss, but her understanding that she could somehow learn from these experiences led her to accept whatever experiences arose fully. In this, we can create miracles. In accepting the fire in her house as a blessing (in deep, deep disguise), that is what it became.
More about This bog life project. Corstown Bridge community Bog Project, near Ardee, Co Louth
Sophie Tebbitt on her personal Instagram page
Sophie on Facebook.
Louise Kay- Channeling or her podcast on Spotify
HeartAmbassador and HeartMastery coaching
We are all responsible for how we show up in the world, to others, ánd to ourselves. With Phoenix Frequencies, Nienke van Bezooijen shines her light on what we can do to be the best versions of ourselves based on how we show up and what we are willing to learn. It isn't about showing the way with pretended positivity, it is the heart-based vulnerability-sharing options. It takes courage to rise. See what is for you. Or share with others. Perfect doesn't exist; curiosity can be the stepping stone to broaden your perspectives.
Courage to move on from the past,
Trust to be with the present,
Rise to create a new future.
If you want to be interviewed as a phoenix, write to heartbraincoachnienke @gmail.com