The Phoenix Frequencies

Episode 32 Dare to face the mirror of our past

August 05, 2024 Nienke van Bezooijen Season 2 Episode 32

Due to what comes our way in life, we create our perceived perception as 'the truth'. By creating our truth, we keep ourselves safe from feeling hurt, disappointed or insecure. 
It predicts how we listen; it shapes our actions. We create our self-protection limiting beliefs. 
But life will give us the same situations until we learn and transform because there is only the truth we created. Maybe you don't get what you want until you see you create what you need, in order to shift. 
By taking her armour down and looking under the soil to the roots, Nienke discovered nothing was true; it was only a perspective.  
Being self-honest and putting your vanities aside is the most intimate place you can go. 
It can be the most fruitful one as well: to rise. 

We are all responsible for how we show up in the world, to others, ánd to ourselves. With Phoenix Frequencies, Nienke van Bezooijen shines her light on what we can do to be the best versions of ourselves based on how we show up and what we are willing to learn. It isn't about showing the way with pretended positivity, it is the heart-based vulnerability-sharing options. It takes courage to rise. See what is for you. Or share with others. Perfect doesn't exist; curiosity can be the stepping stone to broaden your perspectives.

Courage to move on from the past,
Trust to be with the present,
Rise to create a new future.

If you want to be interviewed as a phoenix, write to heartbraincoachnienke

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